Thursday, September 6, 2007

Dear Peyton, You're gay.

Am I the only one that has a deep burning hate of Peyton Manning? Don’t get me wrong it must be tough growing up with a brother with down syndrome. But that’s no excuse to invade my home every commercial break. I hate that long dopey southern boy look. He’s not funny. He is a douche. There is no need to fake a seizure every time you call a damn audible. I have seen quarterbacks call audiles, and they don’t swallow their tongue and waive their arms around life a fucking retard. It’s just unnecessary. I’m also not a fan of how every person every to step into a booth jerks Peyton off every time he completes a pass. Jerking off douchey quarterbacks is not cool. In fact, I hate the entire Manning family, especially the retarded one(but not b/c he’s retarded). Archie manning sucked on sucky team. I even hate their gay first names. And those names are very gay. Feel free to add your own reasons why you hate Peyton or any other douche.

1 comment:

Storm Cloud said...

My current hate is for ESPN fantasy football site for not being able to handle the traffic and locking up with "internal server error".

oh, and yes, Manning is a little gay.