Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Stillers Have Top Brand in Sports

Cowboys come in at 28, right behind the Eagles.

This was a study comparing loyalty of fans and brand knowledge within teams respecitve markets, using the city and immediate surrounding area as a teams market.

The Pittsburgh Steelers are the No. 1-ranked brand in sports because they dominate their market as no other team does, not because they dominate the national landscape, the way the Dallas Cowboys or New York Yankees do.


Storm Cloud said...

Your article points out, however, that the Dallas Cowboys "dominate the national landscape".

You (and the Eagles) can have your localized popularity and localized brand recognition, I'll take the NATIONAL dominance of America's Team, The Dallas Cowboys.

(Actually, I just take issue with any survey that puts the iggles in front of Dallas in anything besides incest related crimes, I've got nothing against the Stillers).

J-Nice said...

Yeh the ranking does not at all take into account the national landscape, which is what i tried to point out. What is says though is that Pittsburgh dominates Pittsburgh more than Dallas dominates Dallas. That being said, who really gives a shit...I'd rather have New England's 8-0 record or Dallas' 7-1 record.