Sunday, October 14, 2007

How do you prepare for an interview with a prestigious law firm?

Since the name of our league is sports, booze, and law I thought I would comment on our commish addressing the cross-roads of our namesake. Some people prepare for an interview by looking up partner profiles on-line and going to sleep early to appear well-rested for the interview next day. But what do you do when your team is playing in the biggest game of the year (Superbowl 41.5) the day before an interview. Well fortunately we have an answer to that question. The answer is this: buy tickets to the game, tailgate all day, booze before, during, and after the game, then handle that pesky interview the next day. I respect the dedication.

1 comment:

Storm Cloud said...

Good luck Commish. Make sure to play tickle party with the partners - they love that.