Sunday, July 8, 2007

Pretending to study

Okay - I need input on several things. (J-nice that is not a come on, so keep it in your pants).

1) I think editing a picture and putting "Sports, Booze, and Law" would be cool. Kind of like a logo. So I need a picture of someone drinking while playing sports with a law book in their hand or something like that. Preferably a midget. Or a one-legged stripper. Or a combination of them.

2) Send me embarrassing pictures of members and I'll add them to the sidebar. Like a picture of J-Nice and the girl he won the hog'n competition with. Plus I have nothing on Fred. Since he's friends with the Kent boys he is probably a crazy mofo and I want to see that.

3) I might change the template to add the pictures on the left side. If you have a problem with that speak now.

4) We need to round up more people. We can get Ned I figure. And _________. Who else can we get. Drew probably has someone else. Or we can round it out with J-nice's gay highschool friends if need be.



J-Nice said...

So we are looking for a midget or a one legged stripper. Maybe even a one legged midget stripper. Sound like we need a trip to show-times, and a camera.


What I don't get is why we are even looking. Doesn't Garner's mom qualify for all of those things?

Storm Cloud said...

Showtimes it is. I'm not doing anything tonight.

That midget picture for our title is kind of what I'm talking about. Of course, it really has nothing to do with football, booze, or law, I just wanted to demonstrate how crazy skilled I am. Find me something good to work with.


Good- I hope your mom sees how you made the first post about my mother, and how you made subsequent posts requesting pictures of midgets and strippers, and then how you just decided to kill two birds with one stone and go take the pictures yourself. I am sure she will be proud of you.

Storm Cloud said...

I doubt my mom would have any issues with anything I've done. She frequents show-times daily, and realizes that there aren't really any one-legged stripper midgets and that it was just a joke about how dirty that place was.

But since you're concerned, I'll have my dad screen everything first, and decide whether she'll have a heart attack if she sees the horrible actions of her little storm cloud / engine that could.